09 Industry, Innovation & Infrastructure

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Optimizing enamel Slurry Waste Management: Reducing Production Waste

We implemented a comprehensive action plan to minimize waste from email slurries during the enameling process, which involves applying enamel coatings to steel. The primary goal is to streamline production efficiency and reduce the amount of email slurry waste generated during the manufacturing process.

Surplus Enamel Slurries: Standard surplus email slurries are stored for future reuse. Non-standard or rarely produced batches were previously discarded but are now being repurposed where feasible.

Quality Assessment: Slurries that do not meet quality standards are typically discarded, but continuous monitoring and assessment have allowed more materials to be repurposed, reducing waste.

slurry 2

Critical Strategies for Waste Reduction:

  • Reuse of Non-Standard Enamel Slurries: We began reusing surplus slurries in less critical production processes, particularly those from non-standard or infrequently produced batches. This reduces the volume of discarded material.
  • Quality Control and Monitoring: Ongoing assessment ensures that only severely compromised slurries are discarded, allowing usable materials to re-enter the production cycle.


As a result of these strategies, the ratio of discarded enamel slurries decreased by 
93% from 2020 to 2022.

The total amount of slurry
waste dropped to just
400 kilograms in 2022